What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Ja, dieses Schunkeln kann ich nicht ausstehn

Oh Lord. OK. This is probably my very last post. I'm scared. The city is under siege, shops are closing down and the enemies are about to attack. It will start. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, the end begins. I shake in my boots, and fill jute-bags with sand, I stopped showering with water three weeks ago and use Früh beer instead, hoping against hope that they might not smell me, yet I cannot but shiver at the mere evocation of the word :


Carneval is upon us, my friends, and we'll need all the support we can get. My sister's coming over with her husband V, and if that cannot trump the odds and help me have a cool week-end nonetheless, then I'm sure that nothing can.

I do not understand carneval. I am scared of the drunken packs roaming the streets. I do not like to dress up, and have a (I believe very healthy) severe dislike to Volksmusik. I do not understand it, and I do not mean that in a metaphorical way. I asked my roommates the other day about the posters that you can see all over the city, with "Kölle Alaaf" written on them. Roommate 1 said : "I don't think it means anything, I think it's just an exclamation, kinda like "yay" or something". To which roommate 2 answered "Yeah, arschloch is an exclamation too, it still means something". I feel very close to roommate 2's Carneval-spiritedness, these days.

But I'm sure we can overcome. I'm sure we can manage to avoid the worst part of it and just enjoy the fun. Because I've heard of a few sane people who actually enjoy Carneval. A few cool bars, and a few parades are supposed to be quite pretty and colorful, and even, on occasions, fun. I'm scared because when I ask people how to avoid the worst parts, I'm generally laughed at. I don't get any anwer. Just ominous giggles, and, when I'm real lucky, a look of amused pity. But I'm sure we can manage.

If we don't, well, we'll just go home and hide under my bed, all three of us. Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure we'll have a laugh!

4 commentaires:

Fran a dit…

Je croyais qu'il y avait un K ?

Claire a dit…

Je suis eue...

Marion a dit…

Peut-être que tout ça est très exagéré, après tout. Ou pire encore, peut-être qu'on va se mettre à aimer le carnaval. Uh oh.

Aussi, pourquoi tes roommates ils ont pas d'initiale mais des numéros? Ils sont punis?

Claire a dit…

C'est aussi ça qui me fait peur ! C'est tout à fait bien, en ce qui me concerne, de ne pas aimer la volksmusik et les masques de clown, j'ai déjà assez de soucis comme ça avec Rihanna et Shahrukh Khan, pas la peine de tenter le diable ! Non, mais je suis sûre que ça va aller.

Et mes roommates, c'est pour mieux protéger leur anonymat. Non, en fait, c'est parce que I, ça confusionne, alors j'ai dit 1 pour lui, et 2 pour N, et tout se passe pour le mieux.