What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

dimanche 25 mars 2007

Total eclipse of the brain

Hi everybody...

Well not much to say today, no major english speaking event in my thrilling life... I guess my brain is still a little bit slow from yesterday night...

I actually spoke English once today, to my German-speaking flatmate... He was peacefully getting himself a glass of water in the kitchen and I wanted to clean the floor where I had spilt some washing powder. So I came in the kitchen (it was 2 pm, I had just woken up, and was in a brilliant mood, of course, hair in my eyes and teeth showing), and mumbled "I just popped a thingy there, I'm sorry, move over". And then I realized that it was not German that I had just sopken, so I said, "murph, Danke", which is the best I could come up with at the moment. I hope he understood.

Apart from that highly interesting event, I'm afraid I don't have much else to report, I dit not even watch a movie today, or even read anything, it's just a shame. Shame on me reader!! I'm sorry! I'll do better tomorrow!!

Good night, anyway!! I'll blame this post on the jetlag...

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